Why ’30 Rock’ is My New Favourite TV Show

I’ve recently begun watching 30 Rock. Suggested by a very special friend, it follows Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) who’s a writer for an SNL style show on NBC, it revolves around the premise of her having to deal with a change in management involving a certain suit heavy suave executive Jack Donoghy (Alec Baldwin) and the overall TV business.

I’d always heard of 30 Rock as being one of the better shows of the 21st century but the premise on paper never interested me. It seemed like a weird premise for a show and I somehow convinced myself it probably won’t be any good.

That along with the fact that I’ve developed this friction in starting any new show or film were reasons why I just couldn’t get started. I think it has to do a lot with the way short form content has been jammed down our throats. Because of which we aren’t able to enjoy long form content, it’s due to how delayed the gratification from it Is. Short form content (especially with infinite scrolls) has the upper hand that every video gives you that little dopamine hit that makes you want to keep going. Long form content can’t really compete. Just imagine how difficult it is to be a blog writer in this world that values 15 second tiktoks consisting of visuals.

Regardless, after a little bit of encouragement and a suggestion, I finally began watching 30 Rock and I have to say it has easily become one of my favourite shows period. Just after one season, I know it might seem a little early for me to say that but this show has  made me feel how I felt when I initially started watching my favourite sitcoms.

What do I like about it? More like where do I start-

Firstly, Tina Fey doesn’t fail to amaze me at all. I’ve never seen a showrunner who can act, write, direct and show run all at the same time. It is incredible, she is easily one of my favourite women in comedy already. I had seen Mean Girls and loved it, but other than that I don’t think I was familiar with anything she made. 30 Rock’s strongest attribute is its writing. It is such a sharp show in terms of both the quality and quantity of jokes. Ranging from dumb easy humor to very layered kinda jokes.

As a person who has always been fascinated by the behind the scenes of show business, this show really makes me feel like I am missing out by not working on a show myself too. The weird quirks that come with running a show, dealing with wonky insane characters, drama queen actors, strange writers to product integration pushing execs. The show’s theme shows me what I am missing out on while simultaneously giving me a main character that is incredibly likeable and relatable. Liz Lemon is like an amalgamation of Leslie Knope’s work ethic, George Costanza’s moral ethics and Michael Scott’s inadvertent actions. She fits the bill for a fun, likeable and interesting main character. That isn’t to say that the supporting cast doesn’t keep up.

Alec Baldwin as Jack Donoghy has to be such an iconic character, because whatever I’ve seen of Alec Baldwin I can now derive from this character. Another character that I thought would be an antagonist initially, his dynamic with Liz is super enjoyable to watch.

Tracy Morgan as Tracy Jordan is hilarious, I initially didn’t understand why he was part of the show because I felt like he just seemed off in the setting of the show, but then I must say he is one of the best parts of this show, with his obnoxious yet funny antics.

That along with Jenna, Kenneth and the writing staff create a show that feels flushed out and well worked before hand. Now that I know this came out years before Parks and Rec, I feel like Parks and Rec followed in the steps of 30 Rock in a lot of ways. With the character arcs, dynamics and flushing out of storylines. Difference being though in the treatment of characters and storylines. 30 Rock’s humor and Parks humor is vividly different. Partly due to the way they’ve been filmed I feel.

Favorite Episode So Far

Seinfeldvision (Episode 1 Season 2) is such a special episode because it feels so ahead of its time. In the episode Jack basically is trying out the idea of having Jerry Seinfeld in every show they have through computers and digital integration, as they have a lot of uncut footage of his from his Seinfeld days, they want to do this because Jerry was really popular back then and had just ended Seinfeld during its peak time. This leads to Jerry finding out about this and coming to chop the idea down.

Meanwhile Liz is going through a breakup with someone she really liked but couldn’t be with due to circumstances (yes, I know) and is pretending to be over it by acting happy. Needless to say, I found this episode very relatable,( because I hate it too when show executives digitally Ram in people who aren’t supposed to be there especially now with AI and Deepfakes. Seinfeld and My distaste for people doing that is the only relatable thing here obviously)

Liz’s crying dialogue with Jerry is truly the icing on the cake for this very fun episode, which felt like fan service for someone like me since the premise of the episode from Liz’s arc and the involvement of Seinfeld both felt very personal. 10/10.

And it gets better?

A Scene from Season 2 Episode 1 SeinfeldVision

While writing this draft I’ve just finished the second season, and it is easily reaching for my favourite shows, up there with Seinfeld, Parks & Rec and The Office (My liking for the office has become a little lesser, but I still feel like during the time I watched it it was easily a fantastic show till season 4 at least)

So I can’t wait to watch more and discover where it goes. I recommend you to try it out too if you’ve never seen it. If you’re anything like me, you’ll appreciate the wit and humour of this show.

Years ago I started watching The Office and that led me to meet a person that significantly changed my life, and sure that’s not gonna happen with every sitcom but hey, something that I like? Yes I’ll take it.

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